I know that nowadays, miners make money from video cards. I mean, they mining Ether, but the latter couldn’t be mined for approx. 6 to 12 months. And then, with video cards, it will be possible to mine Ethereum Classic and other cryptocurrencies, but I will return to mining with processor / processors /CPU, because it is accessible at this moment, compared to mining with video cards.
Raptoreum is a cryptocurrency that can be mined with the processor and was launched on February 26, 2021, but its development started in 2018. So, those who are starting to mine this cryptocurrency now, I can say that they are in the beginning.
Raptoreum is a proof-of-stake / proof-of-work hybrid blockchain that promises to solve real-world problems in ways that stimulate adoption and bring about positive global change.
The open-source project also aims to provide a tokenization-enabled asset platform, while also enabling DAPPs to work alongside smart contracts that are stored and executed at the node level.
It’s short name is RTM, and it uses the Ghostrider algorithm in it’s mining process, which randomly changes the mining algorithms in order to discourage industrial mining with ASIC & FPGA and to improve decentralization.
How to mine Raptoreum?
Before you start mining Raptoreum, I suggest you create an account on the CoinEX exchange and after this step go to Spot / Assets and look for RTM. Once you find the RTM cryptocurrency, go to the deposit (or recieve) and copy your RTM address from the account (which may look like this: RHw5wC1XDTswbYRLWRyet3Csw3wgbUv7aN) into a text file for use in the RTM mining program.
Later, from here you can download Cpuminer, the software with which you can mine Raptoreum. After downloading this software for the Windows operating system, you will need to edit the config file at:
User – where you will put your CoinEX exchange address (your exchange wallet) and after the point, you will put the name of your miner, for example Ryzen_7.
Then on the threads you will set the maximum number of „threads” that the processor has or you will set 2 or 4 less if you want to be able to work something on your computer when you mine. I recommend that the Tune-full option be set to true.
Also, the pool you are mining in, I suggest to you at the moment to be „url”: „stratum + tcps: //eu.flockpool.com: 5555”. Once you have made these settings, you can run the Cpuminer executable file, but start it as an administrator. And you’re ready to mine. Cpuminer software may ask you to restart your computer!
Below is a functional example of the config file.
„_comment1”: „Any long-format command line argument „,
„_comment2”: „may be used in this JSON configuration file”,
„url”: „stratum+tcps://eu.flockpool.com:5555”,
„_comment3”: „Backup/failover stratum used in case of connection problems”,
„url-backup”: „stratum+tcps://us-west.flockpool.com:5555”,
„user”: „RHw5wC1XDTswbYRLWRyet3Csw3wgbUv7aN.Ryzen_7_5800H”,
„pass”: „0”,
„algo”: „gr”,
„threads”: 10,
„_comment4”: „tune-full takes longer but should provide better hashrate”,
„tune-full”: true,
„_comment5”: „You can specify different name/location for your tune config”,
„tune-config”: „tune_config”,
„_comment6”: „You can force miner to not tune. It tunes by default”,
„_comment7”: „Or force it even if tune-config file already exists”,
„no-tune”: true,
„force-tune”: false,
„_comment8”: „\”log\”: \”filename\” can be used to create logfile of output”,
„benchmark”: false,
„stress-test”: false,
„quiet”: false
Later, after you start mining, you can go to the Pool and see how fast you are mining and how many RTMs you have mined. You can find the pool address here.
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