I recently wrote a tutorial to help you generate profit from cryptocurrencies. Well, in this article written on July 12th, I was saying that Ethereum Classic is worth about $14.15 and if you purchased then, 70 ETC with approx. $1000, you could have sold them in the next period for $22 and you would have collected a total of $1544, so you would have made a profit of about $500.
Well, ETC or Ethereum Classic hit a high of $14.36 on July 12th, and now as I write this news, July 27th, 2022, it is heading for $28. In that article, I did not mention how much time need it ETC to increase from $14 to $22, but I expected this increase to occur in the next period of approx. 60 days.
So, ETC is back to the value of May 2022 and I think in the next period we may see it again around $22-$15, but by the end of this year it is possible to break the $222 mark. Remember, don’t invest more in cryptocurrencies than you can afford to lose!
On the other hand, if you want to buy Bitcoin, Firo, Monero or Ethereum Classic I suggest Binance.com.
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