Recently the WING token managed to increase 10 times but its fall is notable, thus from the peak of $62 reached on July 29, 2022, Yesterday July 31st it is trading at $15 at the time of writing this news. Binance has warned its customers to trade this token carefully, because it has very high volatility.
The project is an interesting one, but as these tokens are issued from nothing, they can always reach zero, we are not talking about a cryptocurrency, like bitcoin, which is mined, decentralized and limited in the number of units. Of course, WING is also currently limited to 5,000,000 units according to coinmarketcap.com, but based on a vote, this limitation can be adjusted. In contrast, the BNB token is more secure, because at a period of time, the team burns a number of BNB units and thus the inflation of this token is controlled.
Of course, everyone has to be responsible and manage their risks, but in the case of this token the risk is very high in both directions, and to win a lot of money, but also to remain a lefter. So, when it comes to tokens, be much more cautious than with established cryptocurrencies!
Remember, in cryptocurrencies and especially tokens, don’t invest more than you can afford to lose!
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